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The Movimento Project seeks to contribute to the development of world class contemporary dance on Cape Cod in a four-fold way: through teaching, researching, performing and audience development. Our mission is to provide spaces and forums for multicultural, multigenerational artistic dialogue and exchange -- in creative choreographic workshops, rehearsal labs and interactive performances -- open to all those interested in contemporary dance and its development in the broadest sense. Through these means we seek to build a sustainable, regional community of contemporary dance enriched by contemporary artists and relevant to the lives of local people.

Project Action Initiatives

“Movimento is a group to watch - with a dynamic range of dances that challenge even the modernists”
 Debbie Forman, Cape Cod Times
Sept 24, 2018

Experimental Dance Videography

Frames of Mind Final
Balada do Louco - KLB
Peak Experience
Balada do Louco I
E n o u g h Final 1


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